I chose this top because with this top i can eat everything i want.
The food is really great! x)
And i had a great time with my friend
Great day =)
nb: and we get 50% off
[Black jeans - ITC mangga 2/Black blazer - Yuan/Pink baby doll - NABLY/Pink flat shoes - Custom made/Bag - Dior]
10 komentar:
hai Nabila..!!!!!! like ur blog..:)
@ juwita : thx a lot juwita =)
GW IRI PENGEN IKUT JUGA KE BANDAR JAKARTA!!! GILIRAN GUE GAK ADA LO SEMUA PADA PERGI2 SIH NAJONGGG BETE GUE! hahahaha.. eh mbil gw udah taro link blog lo. jangan males2 ngepost ya looo hahaha akhirnya lo bergabung jadi anak cyber.. tinggal ety nih yang belom! hahaha.. eh mbil taro link blog nya nindiwa juga dong, http://twenty20surgery.blogspot.com/
eh pasti lo seneng banget deh 1 kelas kbp lg sm gue. gue tau banget lo yang minta kan ke pa lo supaya bisa terus sekelas dari gue? hahahaa lo emang gabisa jauh dari gue kan mbleeeeh!!
Hi you pretty self! These are awesome. Nice simple outfit and sweet, sweet smile. Thanks for your lovely comment - I found you're just as gorgeous as your sister is. I enjoy my friendship with her and so ours now! I think your blog will quickly growing as you have great taste and such beautiful appearence, so i'll keep following you. Goodluck with everything! Say in touch :)
PS : Of course you can put my link on yours! I've added you on mine, btw :)
suka suka suka blazer sama pink baby doll nya! :)
great on you babe :)
hei nabilaaa. gw udah komen di your first post tp kykna ga sampe deh ga ada soalny,huhu sbel. blognya keren deh, udah gw link yahhhh. udah lama sih dr wktu itu tp komennya kan ga kkirim hahahah
heyy i love ur smile =) btw nice blog, visit my blog too darlinggg
What do you mean by "you can eat anything with that top ?" hahahaaaa
you are so pretty, and nice bracelet :) heehee
@ icha : hahaha. oke ntar nindiwaw gw link deh cha.. gampang lah cha, nanti kt ke bndar lg yah. jgn nangis donk. cep cep cep
@ clara : hey clara, thank you so much for your really nice comment =). means a lot. hehe. btw, thx for putting my link on yours. ofcourse i've linked yours too =)
@ michelle : thanks pretty =). keep in touch
@ febrina : haha. iya ga sampe ya..btw, makasih lho. nanti segera aku link =)
main2 ksini lagi yaa. hoho
@ devi : i will honey, thx =))
@ sabila : because it can hide your distended stomach.hahaha
@ nadia : thx nadia, keep visiting my blog =)
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