quick report from 2nd Annual Blogger Meet up!!
actually the meet up was held a few days ago
but i just had a perfect time to post it
that was a very good and memorable time
i had fun with all of those really great blogger
and it making me excited to update my blog again
well, should do that again and oftenly for sure
ooh.. i just realized that i didn't have a picture of me with piping, fhenny, and riati in my camera..*and my sis too
its just really hectic and i forgot, i thought i've had pictured with everyone
the squads are:
Nalia Rifika, Eva Silviana, Riati Cornelia Sanjaya, Fhenny Chen, Susan Angelia, Regina Abigail, Nathania Verina, Talisha Quinta, Venezia Lowis, Heidy F.M Kalalo, Lidwina Grata, Michelle Koesnadi, and Me :)
This is what I wore:
quilted bag from singapore ; shoes from a friend's boutique (forgot the name)