Selasa, 22 Desember 2009


after 3 months I'm back!!
will not write too much coz I'm just too tired and I had 'a big bussiness' for tomorrow, so I need to get rest

I'll just leave you with this photo and a little updates!!

anw, although I've been gone for 3 months but I keep updates with blogging world..
I attended 3 meet up with bloggers!!

this first one is in october, I had a meet up with
Clara from sunflares plethora
Onic from miss onic.
and of course my sis, Fika from sweet escape

the second meet up is held about a week ago at skydining plangi with
Silvi from crunchy cheese me, Michelle from glisters and blisters ., Fhenny from little miss fhenny, Onic from miss onic., Oki from
Ringa Dinga Boing Boing, and My sis, Fika sweet escape

and today I just attended the third meet up with another 12 fab bloggers! I will tell you more about it tomorrow coz I need a beauty sleep now ;)

Don't forget to follow my twitter, @nabilahatifa
I just made an account about a month ago :D

9 komentar:

Nadia Kamballa mengatakan...

Love your high-waist pants.. Welcome back, dear.. ^^

Anonim mengatakan...

Okay great! finally you want to update your blog again hahaha. Glad to meet you again yesterday.. Keep updating ya bil :)

Jade Purple Brown mengatakan...

i love the high waisted pants!

mirramie mengatakan...

totally ENVY!!
i want another meet up. bcause i've got some bad luck
ohh and btw i was follow and would u follow back and exchange link??


Ringa Dinga Boing Boing mengatakan...

yes! finally....
3 bulan lama jg ya...
hehe welcomeee

Sabila Anata mengatakan...

FINALLY you're back !!!
Can't wait till you blog more :)
And I totally love these pics
You look pretty here and 2 thumbs up for your hair <3


Susan Angelia mengatakan...

hai kak nabila :]
what a nice blog you have and it's really nice to meet you last Tuesday!
btw, I've linked your blog :D


rumah spatu mengatakan...

Hi please see our shoes store at or

thanks ^^

Nabila RH mengatakan...

glad to be back in this blogging world.
thanks for all your comment guyss. apreciated so much
@sii miemi : i'll link you ;)